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Through our online youth club we want to give our Global Trailblazers fun ways to learn and to grow! 


All of our learning falls under our 6 core learning pillars and through these pillars we create the opportunity for our members to grow both as people and innovatively too.


We want to harness their imagination, expand their knowledge and help them grow into compassionate and positive human beings who see possibilities and not limitations and who truly believe they have the opportunity to leave their own unique mark in the world, in whatever fabulous way that looks for them.


Our core learning within the club comes from our Trailblazing Learning Quests and our LIVE GT Workshops.  We have over 85 learning quests available for our Global Trailblazers with more being added all the time.


Below you can see some examples of our quests and the activities required to complete the quest and for our trailblazer to earn their virtual badge! 

Completion of our quests is either self directed or parent led. Our Trailblazers have access to the club and to the quests 24/7 so at any time they can be working away on quests and learning new things.


Our Quests are not at all compulsory, they are a learning opportunity for our Global Trailblazers and they are in full control at all times. They can do as many, or as little quests as they like, and in a timeframe that works for them.

This is their joourney.

See Some Of Our Quests!

Our Badges (Virtual and Physical!)

Earning quest badges is a fun way for our Global Trailblazers to showcase all the learning they have done! Within our club site, They can choose quests from any of our core learning pillars and then work their way through the quest activities.  Only when they have completed the activities should they click ‘I Have Completed’ to be awarded their virtual badge.  They do not need to prove they have done all the activities. Our Quests and completing them are 100% based on trust.  It is their journey.

Below is an example of some of our World Around Us Quests within the club site.

Within the club we award virtual badges, but if your Global Trailblazer would love a physical badge we have our Global Trailblazing Quest Achievement Sticker Books available from our GT shop


There are 2 designs to choose from and you can order 4in x 3in stickers from our shop too!  You can have a nose at our shop by clicking the button below.

Our Trailblazing Ranks

Within our learning quest journey we have a fun ranking system that our Global Trailblazers can take part in that will rank them up as they complete their quests.  All our trailblazers start as Wannabee Trailblazers and we have 15 ranks for them to work towards until they reach the Ultimate Trailblazer!



Our LIVE sessions are a another way for us to give our Global Trailblazers a chance to learn, connect and have fun!


Although we LOVE to meet our Trailblazers, attendance at our live sessions is not at all compulsory.  They are just another resource and addition to our club to give out Global Trailblazers the best club experience we can.


We have 4 regular live sessions:


THE FITNESS ZONE – Every TUESDAY one of our leaders GT Ian takes our kids through a 15 min Fitness Blast to get their hearts pumping and their bodies moving!


BASECAMP –  WEDNESDAY’s  we host our regular open club session, where we hang out together for an hour, do some fun activities, share what we have been up to and our members can also show us some of the work they have been doing on their quests. We LOVE seeing their work and it also gives them an opportunity to practise presenting in a safe and supportive space too.


GT WORKSHOPS – Once a month we replace BASECAMP with one of our GT Workshops which are workshops lead by our club leaders or guest facilitators.  We cover lots of topics around our 6 core learning pillars from first aid to singing, bike maintenance to photography and more!


THE CHILL ZONE -Every THURSDAY, GT Kirsty takes our Trailblazers through a powerful 15 min chill session, mixing up meditation, breathwork and other activities to help out kids in a practice of mindfulness and calm.


Here at GT we are committed to playing our part in supporting our members physical and mental health. 


Our FITNESS ZONE and CHILL ZONE sessions are recorded and uploaded to our club site for 7 days to encourage our members to repeat the session 2-3 more times that week to build up a regular practice of health and wellbeing.


*NOTE* Our Trailblazers do not have to have their cameras on during our live sessions, although we would love it if they do and will support them to have the courage to have their camera on. From a safeguarding perspective we will reach out to any parent/carer to discuss this if we need to.


We want our Global Trailblazers to feel happy and comfortable in our club and will do whatever we can to ensure that happens.

SAFETY: We take online safety very seriously and as parents ourselves we want to work WITH all the parents/caregivers of our trailblazers to ensure our kids are safe. So we will consistently encourage all those who look after our trailblazers to regularly check their accounts with us and who they are connecting with and to report anything that is of concern. Because together we are stronger and the safety of our kids is a non negotiable!



As we grow we really want to facilitate opportunities for our Global Trailblazers to meet in person!

In the future we fully intend to host some amazing events and in person meet ups at different locations around the world!


Because even though we are utilising the online space to the best of our ability, we all know that nothing beats ‘in person’ connection!

So what are you waiting for? Come and join us, we'd love to welcome you!